The National Bloc at the residence of Tawfiq Qabbani in 1932

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Image Source: Radwan al-Atasi Archive

On the left side of the picture, first from left is Lutfi al-Haffar, then deputy president of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce (who became Prime Minister in 1939). Counting six figures down from Haffar is Mazhar Pasha Raslan, the Homs MP and Minister who served as Prime Minister of Jordan in the 1920s. Seated with their backs turned to him are the Damascus MP and youth leader Fakhri al-Barudi, the Deir ez-Zour chief Nuri al-Ftayyeh, leader of the Hama branch of the National Bloc, Najib al-Barazi, Fayez al-Khury of the Damascus branch of the Bloc, the Homs MP and leader Tawfiq al-Shishakli, unknown, the Damascus MP Ihsan al-Sharif. To Barudi's other side, seated in the corner, is Hikmat al-Hiraki, the Bloc MP and first Minister of Public Works in Syria. On the round table in the middle are Bloc President Hashem al-Atasi and the Damascus MP and future prime minister, Jamil Mardam Bey. Opposite them, seated with arm on the table, looking directly at the camera is the Bloc MP and Minister Nasib al-Bakri.