Syrian Chief-of-Staff Colonel Ziad al-Hariri in Cairo - 1963

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Image Source: Bassel al-Atasi Library

From left to right: Egyptian Prime Minister and member of the Free Officer Movement Kamal al-Din Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister Kamal al-Din Rifaat, Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament Anwar al-Sadat, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Army Abdul Hakim Amer, Iraqi Defense Minister Saleh Ammash, Chief-of-Staff of the Syrian Army and architect of the 8 March 1963 coup Colonel Ziad al-Hariri, Deputy Syrian Prime Minister Nihad al-Qasim, President Gamal Abdul Nasser, Deputy Iraqi Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ali Saleh al-Saadi. Standing behind Nihad al-Qasim is Fahed al-Shaer, member of the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council.