The National Bloc attending a reception in Homs in the early 1930s

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Image Source: Archive

The photo was taken at the residence of Mazhar al-Atasi, the brother of President Atasi who was one of the notables of Homs and served as president of its Chamber of Agriculture. From right to left: Mazhar al-Atasi, Habib Kahaleh publisher of the popular periodical "Al-Mudhik al-Mubki," the Hama MP Tawfiq al-Shishakli, the Damascus MP Jamil Mardam Bey, President Hashem al-Atasi, the Hama notable and Bloc chief Najib al-Barazi, the Damascus MP Afif al-Sulh. Standing behind Hashem Bey is Hikmat al-Hiraki, one of the Bloc founders. Also in the photo are Khalil al-Atasi, Rashid al-Moulouhi, the Hama MP Raif al-Mulki, Dihni al-Husseini, Abdul Hadi al-Maasarani, and the President's son, Nazem al-Atasi. The Damascus MP and future Prime Minister Said al-Ghazzi is standing in the front row as well.